What a time to be living in!

What can each of us do to help regain, sustain and maintain balance in our individual lives?

The first and foremost step is to Believe in Yourself… When you give to yourself and make yourself your first priority, you expand and grow in unlimited ways. When you do this repeatedly, you create and attain resilience.

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from challenges, change and difficulties. Throughout the years from working with many different people, I have noticed that people assume you are either a resilient person or you are not. I love to share these tips, because I too have had to learn to build this muscle within my own daily practice. Resilience is a muscle you build. Just like going to the gym. When you first start out it takes baby steps to build muscle and get stronger, and as such, it can be trained and strengthened over time.

Here is a list of powerful tips to build your resilience muscle.


8 Tips to Build Your Resilience Practice


1. The conditioned behavior is REAL and Valid

Do not compare your pain, challenge or experience with those of others. What you may be facing and going through is legitimate to you, because it belongs to you. Do not let guilt or shame determine your narrative around what is happening to you.

2. Relationships are key

Welcome people into your life who are in alignment with you and value what you have to give. Avoid people who blame their problems on others and tend to play the victim roll. You don’t need to be liked by everyone. You want people to be mirror’s of support. Let people know that you appreciate them. Do unto others as you would want done unto yourself.

3. Put Yourself First with Selfcare

Take the time to create quality selfcare and getting to know yourself. Unpack your baggage. We all carry a history of conditioned emotional baggage that can trigger stress and certain behaviors to appear. Seek for answers within through your own inner higher teacher. The quality of questions you ask yourself determines the quality of life you live. Give yourself a mental health-care checkup every morning by asking yourself 4-simple questions as the observer of yourself without emotional attachment:


1. How am I feeling today?

2. Is there something I need to do to change these feelings?

3. What am I passionate about? How can I do more of that

4. What is seeking to emerge through me?


4. What You Think About – You Bring About

Everything is energy. When we focus on a thought or feeling we give it energetic power. Whether we are aware of it consciously or unconsciously everytime we think in a direction of thought for more then seventeeen seconds; we grow its frequency of power. When we couple it with feeling emotion we pull back into our now experience a match to what we are being from. (vibrationally). Try to create a habit of catching yourself. Try to focus on what is going well in your life, which will lead to gratitude. Gratitude changes the entire energy of your existence, and activates your reticular activating system. When you do this with what you really want, you will start to see what you really want showing up all around you. Surrender to knowing everything is happening to you in Divine timing. The universe has your back.

5. Selfcare

Health and Wellness is very important to build your resilience muscle; make the time. I encourage you to incorporating these high vibe living practices into each day:


1. Journaling – Get a composition book, or buy a clean journal book to start. Every morning write 5 – 10 statements about what your are grateful for. Now here is the difference then you have written your statements previously. I want you to write them in present tense. FROM the feeling that they are already true now! Start out your 5 – 10 staements like this: I AM SO HAPPY AND GRATEFUL NOW THAT… When we write them from the feeling they are already true we align with the feeling of the thing we desire. That feeling is us aligning with the omnipotent power that is always everywhere present. When we create a daily high vibe parctice applying this principle, life begins to deliver to us our beingness from within.

2. Meditation – 5 – 15 minutes of meditation can have a positive impact on a cellular level. You can walk and meditate, sit still and meditate, and listen to sigeggio frequency music while doing things around the house, whatever works for you.

3. Heart Resilience Breathing – The state of harmony that we create for ourselves in heart-brain coherence—accesses what’s true for us in the moment of a given situation. Rather than thinking through a list of the pros and cons or weighing out the probability that an experience of the past will repeat itself in the present, our heart intelligence knows instantly what’s true for us in the moment. Begin to breathe from the awareness of your heart a little more slowly than usual, allowing five to six seconds for your inhale and exhale. This action is known to stimulate a relaxation response of the nervous system (the parasympathetic response).

4. Exercise – 15 – 30 minutes a day creates many benefits in your overall health and life. As an athlete that spent over 30 years in the health and wellness industry I created an exercise program that reaps the benefits of 30 – 60 burst action with 60 seconds – 2 minutes of repaying the debt with deep breathing. If your interested you can find out more bout that here 60 Second Soulution Courses.

5. Diet – Be mindful of what you choose to fuel your body with. devloping a relationship with your body is key in living a high vibe lifestyle. Also learning about what foods cause longer periods of energy are pivotal. Lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins are usuallu good. There are times when we have food allergies and paying attention to how these foods digest in your body are pivital – listen to what your body wants.

6. Sleep – Quality sleep is one of the best ways to reduce stress, increase energy and lesson symptons of depression. Declare to your subconscious mind at night before you go to sleep, that you are going to sleep comfotably through the entire night.


6. Find a Friend

Just like with any fitness regimen, it is always easier to stick to it with a friend. Find a friend that is supportive and spiritually aligned with reaching for solutions in life, instead of any old conditioned pitty party. Together you can help each other stick to healthier – resilience building preactices.

7. Help Someone – GIVE

The easiest way to put your chanllenges in perspective is to help someone out with theirs. Volunteer, reach out to others who could benefit from your skilss and experiences and share your gifts. One of the universal principals is when you give, you recieve. What you put out you pull back.

8. Be Proactive

Studies show that the most resilient people are good at looking at any situation, and then taking action from the inner knowingness the universe always has their back. Inspired Action to “do what they can do” to bring about positive change. We can control our present moment responses, and how we respond to what is showing up in our envirement, by choosing how we respond. You have volition (choice). Awareness is key! The only reason our internal agitation gets loud and out of our control like this is because we have given it PERMISSION to do so. A tip I share with my clients is to imagine yourself sitting on your left shoulder observing your behvaior and how you respond. How does your response serve you? Does it serve you positively or negatively? This is another way we can strengthen our emotional triggers and not to attach to behaviors that do not serve us. Now choose a feeling that feels better. Another tip is my laughing buddha practice. Just start laughing in all these different version of laughing hysterically. Just doing that alobe raises you to a high vibe.

Remember, you are not alone. The universe is conspiring to support you. I wish you a high vibe life filled with peace, health and resilience, now and always.




Copyright © 2025 Sherry Gideons Systems International™ & Associates, All Rights Reserved.
RESULTS & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: Please understand that the results of Sherry Gideons health systems, and her clients are not typical, and your results, if any, will vary and there is always the possibility you will not get the results you are looking for. All Sherry Gideons Coaching systems, Expanded Woman, The 60 Second Soulution are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. This information is intended for educational purposes only, not as medical advice. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, eating, or health program.
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