It’s Time to Stop Gaining & Losing the Same 25 Pounds. Befriend the Healthiest YOU, and Transform Your Relationship To Exercise in the 2017 New Year 30 Day Challenge! Join Today!
What Every Woman Over 35 NEEDS to Know About Losing Weight
and Keeping it Off… Unlock the Power of your Mind, and Create the Life You Desire to Live, “How to LOOK and FEEL Your Real Self in a Swimsuit, Easily Slip into Your ‘Skinny Jeans’, and Have the Confidence to Rock that Sexy Black Dress…All Without Hunger, Without Counting Calories, and Without Impossibly Long Workouts!”
As Seen In:


Vickie Wilson

Geri Centonze

Denise Forsyth

Sherry Gideons
If “You” want the results then keep reading…
Ready to lose weight and get fit without dieting?
A powerful Program designed to get to the root of what’s eating at you and to be healthier, stronger, and more energetic!
- Do you struggle with an unhealthy, unhappy relationship with food?
- Do you miss being active in your life? Is being overweight, fatigue or body pain making it hard to do the things you desire to do?
- Or is it that horrible feeling you feel when you struggle to button your pants or fit in to your favorite clothes?
- Do you miss being active in your life? Is being overweight, fatigue or body pain making it hard to do the things you desire to do?
- You want to experience less suffering and live each day to the fullest believing you are enough just as you are.
- Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
- Do you believe that when you hit your goal weight you’ll be happy and your life can finally start?
- You feel that if you weighed less you’d somehow be more in other areas of your life.
- You’re convinced that you are addicted to food.
- You’ve tried every diet under the sun and while you are able to lose weight, you struggle to keep it off.
- Do you want the old you back?
- You’re starting to think that there must be more to weight-loss than just healthy eating.
- Are you ready to finally embrace your healthy life?
- Are you ready to finally embrace your healthy life?
Here’s just a taste of what you’ll get access to
Healthy Mind, Whole Body Heathy, Being The Best You!

Healthy Mind
It starts with taking a holistic approach to your life. Learn how a positive mindset and daily meditation will jumpstart your mental and overall whole health. To lose weight for good it is important to work with your mind, your thoughts and your emotions. On your healing journey, you will reap incredible rewards if you take time to clear the energetic content from your body. Whether it’s fear, doubt, grief, loss, depression or anxiety, you can release the energetic content that is holding those feelings in place and keeping you stuck.

Whole Body Health
The number one reason people don’t work out is because they don’t have the time. 60 Second Soulution training takes all the excuses out of exercise by giving you a fun, effective way to work out that only takes minutes a day, without a gym or any special equipment. 60 Second Soulution shows you how you can fit in a workout that blasts away fat that is 2X more effective then a traditional workout. Learn fun and functional tools to really feel good about your body. We will provide you with inspired actionable advice to improve your health today!

Being the Best You
Being healthy is more than the old paradigm of dieting and exercise. Learn the secret to align your mind, soul and body for lasting health. Deprivation is a way of losing weight, and it just doesn’t work over the long term. As you start adding nutritious foods and drinks that nourish your body, clean eating and detoxing does many things to benefit whole health in the body. Number #1 it regulates hormones and aides fat loss. Taking care of your hormones is very important as they play a large role in the vitality you experience in your life.
Here’s What’s Included in The 30 Day Challenge

Access to ME + JOHN + for 30 days – starts January 2, 2020

Access to our PRIVATE group where you will get daily motivation, workouts, meal planning, and accountability

Includes, goal setting activities and journaling exercises to promote a strong mindset, confidence and personal growth, as well as lock in new habits

Also includes a fast action meal planning guide with easy to follow nutrition choices, 7 foods to avoid guide, and TWO 4 min and 8 min digital DVD workouts!

Spending 30 days with a bunch of like-minded people developing positive HABITS is BIG for your SUCCESS!
$599 VALUE
Proven 4-week Success Plus Healthy Eating Guide To Follow

- A Fast Action Meal Plan Guide for You to Follow
- 4 week digital 4 min and 8 min digital workout
- My Easy to Follow “7 Foods To Avoid Rules”
- Heart and Soul Affirmations Ebook, 4 Week Goal Setting Modules, Worksheets & Tips to Get You in the Right Weight Loss State of Mind
- An Outline of “How” Your Meals Should Be Broken Down
- A Listing of Acceptable GI “Swap Out” Foods
- This is basically how I ate to lose my weight, and how I have eaten for many YEARS now. It is truly a LIFESTYLE program for lasting results!
Sherry Gideons Smoothie Recipes

- Quick & Easy to Prepare Nutritional smoothies Info & Pics!
- Yummy Breakfasts,
- Amazing snacks

Sherry is very knowledgeable about many things. She is a very upbeat person who enjoys using her knowledge to help others and develop their confidence, laughing and making others laugh. You never feel “judged” by Sherry. She is very honorable, and humble about where you are in life, and is always asking you key questions about “what is it that you really want out of life.” She was a great asset to me as my trainer.
You need your cheerleader, you need someone to keep you on track, keep you motivated. You need someone to keep you excited and having someone see in you what you don’t see in yourself. You need to borrow that energy until you can do it on your own, and I think most people do need a life coach in their life. That is Sherry Gideons!
I have known Sherry for over 37 years. Sherry has always been a person willing to accept and try new things. Her knowledge of exercise and eating is phenomenal! She has helped me many times get started with new exercise and eating programs. She is a leader that lights up a room when she enters. I invited her to speak in my high school classroom about health and exercise to my students. She had great interaction with the kids as a storyteller who is spontaneous and fun educating them and keeping them engaged.
After years in the health club business and an innovator of women’s exercise, I created exercise systems in the 1970’s geared toward developing a womens body to look like a woman. As the creator of the first IFBB sanctioned “Best in the World contest”, in 1979, and the creator of the first Miss Olympia professional bodybuilding show held in 1980 won by Racheal Mclish, it was and still is today my passion to share that womens weight training has been based on mens goals, and there are principles to train a women like a women. I partnered with Sherry Gideons in 2000 after she spent many years training in the old conventional methods. I taught Sherry the important conponants of my Freestyle principles to train women like women, and Sherry went on to become very succesful in the fitness industry helping many women do the same with the Freestyle system.
Sherry taught me how to eat to live better, to live more fully. How to step in to being more alive in life in what I do and how I express. I love being this way.
Sherry is awesome! When I meet her she was actually the first person I have talked to who was really, really down to earth. She walks her talk. You has lived it, and experienced both sides of obesity and health and wellness. She is well educated and knows her stuff. You want to see that when you really go to somebody to help you. Sherry is the real deal!
Build momentum Now! so YOU can recover from the holiday season!
Jump start you healthy 2020! Enrollment Just Opened!
Join Now and SAVE!!

You will receive weekly modules where you can download all of the programs. Join the 2020 New Year 30 Day Challenge Now!
- 30 Day Body Soulution Program
- 60 Second Soulution Workouts
- Weekly Modules
- Heart & Soul Affirmations and Journal Book
- Freedom Performance Workout Planner
- quick and easy smoothies
- Private Facebook Accountability & Support Group – Enrollment Just Opened! Join Today for ONLY $97

For a limited time you can order