Basic Body Weight Exercise – No Equipment Needed

Exercise, what kind do we need to get the best results? Basic body weight exercise is all we need. Human beings have been using their body – weight to exercise, and to create a strong and fit body for centuries. Why make it hard on ourselves? It’s time to experience the freedom we all seek and get back to the basics. Body weight exercise can be used by anyone at any age. It is both for beginners, experts, or anybody at any age.

Body weight workouts are all about using the simplest form around – using our bodies, and – no gym equipment is needed! Working out at home, or where ever we want can shape our bodies, develop our confidence, and create the life we have always been born to live. Body weight exercises build muscle, train your mind. In this case your brain communicates with the various parts of your body, and muscles to perform a certain form and natural motion

There are many types and styles of exercise – high intensity training (HIIT), blast training, 60 second soulution pilates, yoga, tai chi, squats, planks, squats, pushups and stretches that are highly effective for the body. Bodyweight exercises are accessible, simple convenient and modifiable to your exercise level. You don’t need equipment, nor a gym membership, and you will work several muscles simoutaniously, giving you a wider range of motion.

Our bodies are like machines,  a complex machine consisting of many separate, interconnected, individually vibrating machines, and you have to learn to use that machine correctly to get the results you want. Using your own body weight can be used to create a type of strength training, which burns fat, helps rebuild muscle, and helps us maintain stabilization and balance as we age. Numerous studies show that building lean muscle mass is also great for your heart, blood vessels, lungs, hormone production and even brain activity.

Body weight exercises help to build and maintain lean muscle mass as well as increase your metabolism. Muscle mass plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy weight and general metabolic functions helping with insulin sensitivity, thyroid function and hormonal balance. Its a well known factor that the more lean muscle you hold on your body, the higher your BMR is, which means you need to bring in more calories to maintain your weight.

While gyms and exercise machines also have their place in creating a fit, healthy body, you can acquire incredible benefits from exercising with your own body weight. The bottom line is that we all should exercise for the numerous health benefits. Studies show that it has be determined that some of the health benefits human beings recieve from exercise are  it reduces stress, prevents injury helps maintain cognitive function, emotional health, fights depression, better sleep, improves joints and bones, strengthens our core and so much more.

Now that you know a little more about body weight benefits and how this type of exercise can improve your body and health, lets look at a few full body exercises that will you more then one body part at a time and improve strength on the whole body. I would recommend doing full body burst training workouts every other day at a minimum in intervals of 1-12 minutes for burst training or interval training. Burst training and Interval training (HIIT) Blasts body fat and is the most effective way to burn fat and lose weight. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), also called burst training, involves short bursts of high-intensity-style exercise for 30 to 60 seconds followed by one-to-two-minute breathing recovery periods. Studies have shown that people who do burst or interval training lose six times more fat than people who do cardio exercise. and they in minimul time Interval training I believe is the best exercise system to slim down and tone up, that again works multiple muscle groups at once, allows you to easily switch between exercise that work more then one body part, and can be done anytime anywhere with minimal space.

Here are some 60 Second Soulution Burst Training Exercise to Get You Started:

I suggest choosing about 3 -5 to start and burst for about 4 -12 minutes to start.


1. Jumping Jacks – Stand up staright and do jumping jacks for 30 – 60 seconds at 80 % of your maximum heart rate. Breath deeply 60 seconds

2. Squat Jumps – Stand with your legs shoulder width apart and slowly squat and slightly pulse up slightly off the floor arms reaching for the celining or sky. Make sure your knees don’t come past your toes. continue to do this for 30 – 60 seconds. Breath deeply for 60 seconds. 80 % of your maximum heart rate.

3. Run in Place – Stand and run in lace for 30 – 60 seconds. keep your knees high and run as fat as you can. Breath deeply for 60 seconds.

4. Jump Rope – Jump rope as fast as you can for 30- 60 seconds. Breath deeply for 60 seconds.

5. Reverse Lunges – Stand up straight in front of a mirror. Keep your shoulders back and your hands resting at your sides. Take a big step backwards with your left foot. You should now be standing with your feet apart. Lower your hips to the floor until your front (right) knee forms a 90-degree angle. Push yourself up. Most of the strength should come from your front (right) foot. Return your back (left) foot to the starting position. As you work through the sets, really focus on pressing the heel of your front foot into the ground as you lift up in order to engage your glutes to their full potential. Resist the temptation to put your hands on your knees to help push yourself up. Not only does pushing on your knees lessen the effect of the exercise, but it can cause injury. Do this exercise 30 to 60 seconds. Deep breath for 60 seconds.

6. Sprint – It’s an all-out run, and will serve as your main form of Bursting. Just run for 30-60 seconds like someone is chasing you. When you’re done, your heart will be racing and you will be out of breath.  Between each sprint, take a 1-2 minute break of deep breathing to allow your heart rate to come down.

7. Front Alternating Lunges – The alternating lunge is a beginner lower body exercise. This compound body weight exercise targets the quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves. tart with your feet about shoulder width apart, your back straight, big proud chest and core engaged. Lunge forward until you reach approx. 90 degrees at both knees. Make sure not to extend your front knee past your toes though because it puts a lot of stress on the knee. Push your body back up to the starting position through your front heel, switch legs and repeat. Between each set, take a 1-2 minute break of deep breathing to allow your heart rate to come down.

8. Mountain Climbers – Get down on the floor on your hands and knees. Extend your legs out behind you, toes and balls of your feet resting on the ground. Place your hands directly under your shoulders with your fingers facing forward and slightly outward. Keep your core engaged by squeezing your stomach muscles. Your body should be in a straight line from your crown to your heels. Pull one knee up and in toward your midsection. Lift one foot and begin bending the knee as you pull it up between the front of your body and the floor. Repeat the action with your other knee. Continue alternating the movement with both knees. Between each set, take a 1-2 minute break of deep breathing to allow your heart rate to come down.

9. Push-Ups – When down on the ground, set your hands at a distance that is slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Depending on your strength and experience, your hands should be angled in a way that feels comfortable to you.  For me, my hands are set up so that my middle finger points straight up and away from me.  You can also turn your hands inwards slightly if it’s less stressful on your wrists, or you can do your push ups on your knuckles (as long as you’re on a semi-soft surface like grass or carpet. Your feet should be set up in a way that feels right and comfortable to you. From the top of your head down through your heels. Your butt shouldn’t be sticking way up in the air or sagging. Your head should be looking slightly ahead of you, not straight down. At the top of your push up, your arms should be straight and supporting your weight. Between each set, take a 1-2 minute break of deep breathing to allow your heart rate to come down.

10. Box Jumps – To perform box jumps, you will need a stable surface — preferably a plyometric box between 12-36 inches, or a simple aerobics step depending on your abilities. Assume an athletic position, with your feet about shoulder-width apart, at a comfortable distance form the box. Start the box jump by quickly getting into a quarter squat while hinging at the hips to engage the hamstrings and glutes. Then, forcefully extend your hips, swing your arms and push your feet though the floor to propel yourself onto the box. When landing, think of absorbing the force instead of “sticking” the landing. Mimic your landing gracefully and quietly. This will not only help you improve the deceleration phase of the exercise but also reduce the risk of injury.


Box Jumps

Use a standard aerobics step, or use one with risers that allows you to raise the height.


Protein is the nutrient required to build and rebuild muscle. If you want to add or maintain muscle mass (i.e. if you’re an endurance athlete, weightlifter, CrossFitter, or you train hard in other activities or sports), you should consume more protein.

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RESULTS & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: Please understand that the results of Sherry Gideons health systems, and her clients are not typical, and your results, if any, will vary and there is always the possibility you will not get the results you are looking for. All Sherry Gideons Coaching systems, Expanded Woman, The 60 Second Soulution are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. This information is intended for educational purposes only, not as medical advice. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, eating, or health program.
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