James Redfield

In 1997 I read a book by James Redfield titled Celestine Prophecy. Our Feelings and emotions create our energy body called the aura. The second lesson is when we don’t worry everything we need for our journey and sustenance will be given to us. Lesson 3 when we surrender, we are guided to the next step or synchronicity we should take. The realization: I don’t need to figure out the how it will come by realization or manifestation.

Neale Donald Walsh

In 1997 I read a book by Neale Donald Walsh called Conversations with God. God being love the lesson is I am love and God in the flesh. Lesson 2, I was the one creating my own reality. Lesson 3, I can create anything I desire. The tool to apply is conscious awareness. The greatest realization that I came to is I must surrender to the reality of I am love and God incarnated regardless of what is happening in my life. I will carry an anonymous spiritual legacy of all my teachers.


Michael Beckwith

In 1997 I participated in a teaching at Michael Beckwith church Agape about the 4 stages of spiritual growth of consciousness. During that training I gained 3 fundamental lessons. The first lesson is there is no separation between me and God. The second lesson being I can choose to be love and nothing else. The tool to apply is conscious awareness, which brought me to the realization, that I am unlimited and Infinite.

Bob Proctor


Training I learned “The importance of having clarity.” The knowledge of operating within universal principles consciously. It made me realize the Infinite wealth I am capable of creating.

Mary Morrissey

I learned The power of the 11 spiritual laws. Everything is energy and beingness is wired within these laws. You must live from your genius aligning with the feeling of good and greater good. It made me realize that I am the genius that the universal laws are here to serve.

Les Brown

Training speaking from the I Am within you. What I learned is to channel the voice of the I Am from the imaginary 3 trees of light. To get people to tap into the frequency of their authentic I Am. People become alive when you give life to your story. You become a life-giving spirit. It made me realize I am not alone, because there are people who need me to breathe life from my story.

Mary Helen Hensley

Surrendering to the gift of channeling. Do not dismiss the gift. It made me realize I am special in my own way, as everyone else is special in their own way.

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RESULTS & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: Please understand that the results of Sherry Gideons health systems, and her clients are not typical, and your results, if any, will vary and there is always the possibility you will not get the results you are looking for. All Sherry Gideons Coaching systems, Expanded Woman, The 60 Second Soulution are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. This information is intended for educational purposes only, not as medical advice. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, eating, or health program.
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